TYP: a1

Armator oszukuje klientów?

piątek, 28 lutego 2014
Otrzymaliśmy wiadomość od firmy BoatBooker Team, ostrzegającą przed armatorem Golden Star Yachts, którego właścicielem jest Giorgio Konto.

Firma rzekomo oszukuje swoich klientów oraz ma być powiązana z armatorami GK Yachts i Kalypso Yachting, którzy to wyłudzili w zeszłym roku od swoich klientów i agencji czarterowych 160 000 euro. Po sprawdzeniu tych informacji BoatBooker Team usunął amatora ze swojego systemu i rozesłał ostrzeżenia do agencji czarterowych.

Poniżej treść wiadomości:

We would like to warn you about a fake fleet operator, who has already worked under a few different names, causing a lot of financial damage to charter agents who booked their boats.

After receiving a warning from a charter agency, we have contacted the owner of Golden Star Yachts fleet - Mr. Giorgio Konto, whose fleet was listed in the BoatBooker database.

After conducting a thorough research, we found that Golden Star Yachts is connected with GK Yachts and Kalypso Yachting, which were detected as fraudulent companies last season. Charter agents and their clients lost more than 160.000 EUR because of their fake business.

We have confronted Mr. Girogio with the found facts and asked him to provide evidence which would prove that he is not connected to GK Yachts and Kalypso but he did not give us any proof which would dismiss the accusations.

We have removed his fleet from our system and notified a couple of charter agency companies which had put options on his fleet and hopefully stopped another fraud.

Please, be advised to practice caution if and when dealing with Golden Star Yachts (http://www.goldenstar-yachts.com/)

BoatBooker will always do its best to protect this industry from fraud and fraudulent persons. Please keep us informed of any suspicious activities in the industry and we will help you in checking all of them out and informing the rest of the industry.

Best regards from,
BoatBooker Team
TYP: a3
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TYP: a2

Kalendarium: 11 marca

W wypadku samochodowym zginął Tomasz Adamczyk, kapitan jachtowy i motorowodny, wiceprezes Wielkopolskiego Okręgowego Związku Żeglarskiego i członek zarządu Polskiego Związku Żeglarskiego
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czwartek, 11 marca 1971
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czwartek, 11 marca 1993
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